Basic Search

Basic seach gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with Career Result

Basic Search gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with Career Result. All we ask in return is that you invest some time in our collaboration. We will work hard and invest our time to find the right individuals for your team. Of course we do hope that our collaboration will intensify after getting to know one another. You will only pay a fee if you choose to hire a candidate whom Career Result appointed.

Basic Search is our traditional recruitment service. We will publish the vacancy on our website and on some other common vacancy websites. On top of that the vacancy will be spread by mailing the candidates who are in Career Result’s network. In case Dedicated Search provides insufficient results you can always change the service to Dedicated Search.

In 4 steps you will have a fitting professional aboard.
Beneath each step, we give details about our efforts in each step. You, as our client, only have to follow up on the main steps, we will take care of everything else!

Step 1: Contact us 

    • Call +31 (0)85-00 20 019 or send an email to and explain your current needs.
    • The best suited Recruitment Expert will then contact you directly to advise you.
    • We’ll discuss the terms of our collaboration.

Step 2: Short Vacancy Intake 

    • Short vacancy intake.
    • The vacancy will be spread on common and target audience websites, among which is always present.
    • On top of that the vacancy will be spread by mailing the candidates who are in Career Result’s network. You will capitalise directly on the network Career Result has built up. Our knowledge
    • of the market will always deliver the most effective campaign.
    • You can choose to have us support the standard advertising efforts by devising a custom made Internet Marketing Strategy. We would gladly present you with a vacancy specific offer.

Step 3: Choosing Candidates

    • You’ll receive an email with a summary and together with you we will select the best fitting candidates.
    • We’ll evaluate them together. We advise, you choose.
    • We’ll arrange a get-to-know meeting at the location of your choosing.

Step 4: Speaking to- and evaluation of Candidates

    • You’ll have personal contact with chosen candidates
    • We’ll evaluate them together. We advise, you choose.
    • We’ll offer the working conditions on your behalf and provide explanation.
    • We’ll assist in the negotiations.
    • We’ll assist the candidate in leaving their previous employer.
    • Start of activities. Your needs have been fulfilled.
    • 2 months after starting activities, we’ll come in and have a first evaluation.

What do we expect from you?

    • Time to discuss the vacancy on short notice.
    • Availability to discuss upcoming chances and threats throughout the search.
    • When necessary, the ability to quickly shift or adjust. Passive superstars always have multiple options.
    • Flexibility, a 100% match is simply not possible. We’re working with people it’s always going to be 80-120%

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