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Personal statement
The personal statement consist of a brief summary of your professional background and personal characteristics. Include the personal statement in your CV to state a few key skills and competencies you have to offer. The ideal length for the personal statement is 3 to 4 lines long.

The skills in your CV should be customized to the position you are applying for. Describe briefly your core competencies, which can be both technical and personal skills.

Work experience
This section of your CV, should arrange previous experiences in reverse chronological order,

Function name
Company Name
Period (November 2011 - present)
Use up to 3 lines to describe the company or the business unit of your previous work experience. You can identify products/services, number of employees, market area and possibly add the position of the business unit within the organization.

  • Use bullet points to outline your duties and responsibilities and your goals (KPIs) and performance.

Function name
Company Name
Period (January 2006 - November 2011)
duties and responsibilities

  • goals (KPIs) and performance

Organization providing education (University or HBO)
Title of qualification awarded (Score)
Period (September 2002 - August 2006)
The education section in your CV, should be accompanied with some information. Summarize in a few sentences the main subjects, specific skills covered and assignments.

Organization providing education (High School or MBO)
Title of qualification awarded (Score)
Period (September 1997 - August 2002)

The skills and certificates you have obtained after completing a training, should be enumerated in a CV by using bullet point.

Identify that references are available upon request.

The CV should cover the above sections, still try to stay within a margin of 3 to 5 pages long.